Saturday, August 30, 2008

Welcome the NEW adition to the Kilmartin Family!!!

That's right!!! I have gotten my first ameba or parasite!!! I have been sick a dog this whole week. It seems that when making the guacamole, I forgot to wash the cilantro! GRRRR!! This tiny little spice has made Ann and I sick this week. My stomach has been the one not recovering and I am getting it checked out at the doctors on Monday. I actually had to leave school early this week it was so bad?? I have never had pains like this before? My teacher friend says parasite, I say worm for sure!! If you have any name ideas, let us know!! I guess the bonus is I can eat whatever I want, because it just goes right through me! I know, TMI!

I did manage to make back to school for our Open House/ Bake Sale! As the 6th grade teacher, I am responsible for fundraising for 6th grade graduation?? So we had a Bake Sale! HUGE success! We raised a ton of money! One of my kids said he was going to make chocolate fondue! Great idea! The kicker, was that he brought a FONDUE, a vendor, to our little open house? These are the types of kids i teach. They can get anything they want. Their parents literally run the country, or at least CBBA. Which made telling some of the parents that there kid was failing or a behavior problem, a little nerve-racking. I mean, what if i find a horse head in my bed or some thing later? I'll let you know!


Anonymous said...

I think you should name your little bug Henri (obviously pronounced OHN-REE). Only a foreigner would have a name like that.

Thanks for sending me the link. I'll check in on you guys often. Jenny, I love the hair! Don't think I saw it short before you left.

Anonymous said...

i still think it had to be the cow stomach soup that did it to you :) love you!

Ryan C. said...

Hey Johnny and Jenny,
I loved reading through your blog. It definitely sounds like God has you where he wants you, even though it is tough being away from the U.S. and your comfort zone. I can't get over the dogs barking all night. Sydney would love it down there. She just wants to go to every dog she sees and touch them. Sheryl just started a blog for Sydney, it's
you definitely need to check it out. I can't wait to hear more about your wonderful experience. I'm praying for you guys big time!

jonathan said...

Hope you're feeling better. I vote you name the little sucker "Wormy Nermy".

The Robertsons said...

Just read this for the first time (it's been a while since checking in!), and I want you to know that for the SEVEN weeks I was sick, I lovingly refered to the baby as my parasite. So joking that you're pregnant when you really do have a stomach bug is actually pretty confusing. At least to me. :)

Anyway, REALLY hope you didn't have it too long (judging by the food posts following, it wasn't)!